Sovereign By Design is a private member association creating and sharing educational materials for men and women that are motivated to take action to Self-Govern, claim and live privately, and move their business into Private Membership organizations.
Meet our team, of private men and women whom share a common vision, operate their own PMA Businesses and yet, have come together in their private capacity, as part of our Advising Community to assist with the bringing of this shared vision into reality.
i, Angela
Video Hello (click here)
Sovereign By Design was created out of pure desire to create a better tomorrow for my children and our collective children. Coming from a business and entrepreneurial background, from the first time I heard about private and PUBLIC jurisdiction I intuitively felt this would be the solution to the significant problems we see in our collective world today. Government is a public service and function of the people and no more. We are here on this planet to deeply learn about who we are as Divine Beings in this realm and to self-express that Divinity through our individual expression of the Great Spirit that moves through each and everyone of us. Private Trusts, Unincorporated Associations and Private Membership business structures provide us the private foundations we need to live freely and bring heaven onto earth through service to each other. My goal is to be of service to my brothers and sisters of the globe as together we bring about the change we want to see in the world. Outside of being a life partner to my beautiful husband and a mom to two wonderful girls, I have been trained as a deep healing spiritual coach and have been creating and doing "business" in different entrepreneurial capacities for three decades.
i, Bernard
I am the Director of L.I.F.E Foundation (Inc.)
Our mission is to leave people trusting themselves and their relationships within their community.
I became aware of the commercial landscape as a venue for self-governance, social-accountability and autonomy in 2017, when many other people were getting their banking and business under a trust arrangement. As the Director, I build various educational programs including the KYT (Know Your Trust) Protocol for everyday business. The back bone of which is this Banking Program (of which we are integrating into this PMA program).
Our Program is to present basics and structural approaches to setting up our businesses with some highlighted features on ownership; hence a Trust model.
PMA, Un-incorporated Associations, Incorporations, Sole Proprietor, etc., are all unique classes of businesses that can be combined with one-another to make stronger community structures, bodies and groups. Having and delivering essential business tools is a civic and constitutional goal of L.I.F.E Foundation.
I have been consulting on Trust-Business-Arrangements for over ten years, and am self-taught with a background in Fine Arts Degree, and some 3 years of teaching experience at a small technical institute. I became interested in the legal system many years after i was met with hazardous public policies and acts. I took more of an interest in the legal system as a means of trying to have it pay me back, as so much time was put into defending early court cases. As a self litigant I lost many court cases and I had too much invested in trying to win. Big Emphasis on trial, and many things appeared for not, until tax exempt entities and how they benefited PMA, Benevolent Services, Community Organizations, Ecclesiastical Organizations, Indian Tribal Governments, etc.
I am excited to share my experience with SovereignByDesign, each trainer (and their Business) and all future business creators wishing to establish community integrity through Business Trust Arrangements and expanding their contracting skills in all things civics and administration.
i, Susan (Book with Susan)
Video Hello (click here)
The fall-out of the past 4-years was a turning point in what has felt like a long journey, connecting me to other like-minded souls and guiding me to Sovereign By Design’s Wisdom’s Calling: Blessings of Liberti program. This program evoked a remembrance of my spirit and guided me to the PMA Structuring/Banking program.
I currently have a business running in the private jurisdiction where we trade with private men and women through a conscious Private Membership Association (PMA) operating at a physical location. The PMA Structuring/Banking program has opened my eyes to new ways of being and has given me the confidence to operate my business outside the seas of commerce. The bank accounts support my Trust and Un-incorporated business structure. I have never felt so alive as I have over the past 3-years!
My spark of divinity has ignited a passion within me to be of service by assisting others along their journey and in turn building a strong community - there’s beauty and simplicity there. I am following my true path, living life with intention and purpose.
i, Michelle
My journey with Sovereign By Design began with a moment of divine inspiration during a live interview with Angela. My husband and I sought ways to live more freely within a constrained system, and I immediately recognized that Unincorporated Associations (UAs), Private Membership Associations (PMAs), and Trust accounts were the answers we had been searching for.
Engaging in the courses has profoundly transformed our lives, equipping us with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the complexities of our current landscape.
At Sovereign By Design, I assist the team with business operations. As part of the team I am also fiercely committed to expanding my knowledge and learning advanced processes, as they relate to the concepts taught through the Sovereign By Design courses, and sharing what I have learned with our team to pay forward to our community. Outside of the Sovereign By Design team, I handle operations and consult for various businesses, through my PMA, that prioritize making positive impacts in their communities as a core focus. Together, we are creating a vibrant network grounded in trust, responsibility, and empowerment.
i, Gabriel (Book with Gabe)
Video Hello (click here)
Do you want to work hand-in-hand with like-hearted men and women to build a new world where trust, responsibility and peace are the core foundational pillars of the puzzle?
Synarchy - This is what lights my soul.
For over 23 years I’ve been in the public domain as an executive advisor and facilitator offering strategic planning, positioning strategies, business modeling services and guiding c-suites, as well as customizing workshops for big and small teams to support their decision-making process and to un-tap the vast potential every individual has within the organization.
I was seeing only one part of the show until 2020 woke up in me new discoveries and learnings.
Today I have a new vision of myself and the world.
Now I can see the difference between the public and the private domain. This is the game of contracts, trusts and agreements. Now I know I can choose to be a conscious trustee of responsibility and peace for the benefit of one integrated family as a collective, over blind choices of war. I can use my own inner authority and my expertise to help expand the consciousness of mankind by exercising self-leadership at a higher level.
For me, this is what the “Build Your Unincorporated Business Structure” Program is all about. A path towards a new world of TRUST where a handshake is inspiring enough to build synarchy.
i, Shanna Faye
Video Hello (click here)
I am Angela’s trustee in the US for Sovereign by Design and we’ve been working together for the past few years now.
In 2021 I became aware of the idea of Private Trusts and intrigued by how they can be a wonderful tool for asset protection, and also to create one’s own jurisdiction.
This got me onto a path of exploring various offerings in the Freedom movement, Trust writing, status correction, Equity, money mechanics, etc.
With my 30+ years of background in accounting, I offer consulting in Trust management and accounting as well as creating and writing Trusts.
I’m excited to be part of Sovereign by Design’s ‘Introduction to Private Trusts’, ‘Trustee Training’, and ‘Trust Accounting and Management’ courses. You can find more about me on my info page:
i, Robyn
Since my way into the Sovereign By Design programs and aligning with the team to assist with design direction and creative services ~ my absolute passion and joy is now fuelled when collaborating with fellow students in the private law space creating new visuals for their PMA start-ups, and Trust and Association logos … to inspire and empower your design challenges.
Robyn brings an experienced skillset to her team, she communicates well through visuals messaging offering a vast variety of styles in both illustration and design. She is an accomplished graphic designer, creative art director, and skilled illustrator with over 35 years of experience in print, publishing design, labels, packaging, apparel, and brand development with strengths in typography and illustration. She has run a freelance business out of Vancouver BC, Los Angeles, CA and currently resides in the British Columbia Kootenay Mountains. As a visionary leader and professional, she can adapt to any type of design and aesthetic while communicating the project narrative clearly. She understands the design process and business thoroughly. With excellent leadership and teamwork skills, Robyn is committed to amazing results. Her open-minded creative approach produces fresh, clean, and innovative messaging.
View her site at: Email Directly: