**If you are in the process of ordering your BC & ROLB, let the agent at vital statistics know that you need an ink signature on said documents for authentication before they are sent to you. This saves you a couple weeks**
Get a certificate of Provincial authentication for Birth Certificate & Registration of live birth
Step 1. Gather your documents
When you submit your request, you’ll need:
- the document that’s been notarized originally by a notary public or vital statistics
- a written request/ cover letter (provided below) for a certificate of authentication
Step 2. Choose your payment method
A certificate of authentication costs $10 per document. For example, a one-page document costs $10, and if the document has more than one page it is still $10.
There are 2 ways to make your payment:
A receipt will be emailed to you once your payment has been processed. Print the receipt and submit it with your document as proof of payment.
When submitting your documents by mail, you can pay by:
- business cheque
- personal cheque
- money order
- bank draft
- credit or debit online
Enclose your receipt with your documents as proof of payment
All payments must be made out to the Government of Alberta.
Step 3. Mail your document and payment
Mail your notarized document, written request cover letter for a certificate of authentication, payment and self addressed prepaid envelope to:
Deputy Provincial Secretary’s Office
Room 111, Bowker Building
9833 109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2E8
After you submit your document
Allow at least 5 to 7 business days for processing.
The certificate of authentication with the original document attached will be returned to you by regular mail.
It can also be returned by courier if you supply the prepaid electronic courier waybill. Contact
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays) Phone: 780-427-5069
If you already have your BC & ROLB you will then need to have them notarized in Alberta by a Notary on file with authentications. Arrange with a Notary to send your certificates/cover letter/payments/prepaid express envelopes to them in Alberta if you are out of province, to then send your originals back to you by prepaid express addressed envelope provided and send your certified true copies with payment or proof of payment to authentications along with a self addressed prepaid express envelope you provide.
Notary option:
Murray Chilibeck & Horne
10263- 178 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB
T5S 1M3
Phone: 780-484-2323
Fax: 780-486-4289
Email: mchlaw@telusplanet.net
Cost: $60.00 plus disbursements and GST. “Please provide us with a bank draft payable to our firm for the sum of $63.00 Send us the originals along with the prepaid envelopes addressed for the return of the original documents. If you have questions please contact the writer directly at (780) 484-2323.” -Russ Horne.
Registered mailing Instructions For BC & ROLB to Official Documents Authentications
- Copy the Cover letter template (below) for yourself to use and edit the information that is correct at your time of mailing including amounts enclosed.
- Sign document with Blue Pen (First, Last name as usual)
- Attach one of the registered mail tracking stamps at the top right as shown in above example on your cover letter. You will get these registered mail stickers from the post office. Attach the other one to the receipt you get at the post office when sending. Put this in your binder for your records. Take a picture of your document/ receipt or photocopy it and keep a record in your binder with a picture of the envelope.
- Send Registered Mail.
- When your documents come back, keep them in your binder (in plastic sleeves to keep them in good shape).
In this Process You Will Want to keep Copies of Everything for your records!
Done by the light of day this
Second day of the twelve month of:
Two-thousand and Nineteen this common era.
To: Deputy Provincial Secretary’s Office
Room 111, Bowker Building
9833 109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 2E8
RE: Authentication Request for Registration Document
I am requesting authentication of the below document(s) that are enclosed:
- Registration of Live Birth
- Birth Certificate
I have enclosed $XX Money Order ($XX.00 per document) payable to; (ask Official Documents whom to write Money Order out to)
I affirm that I require this process "for business and private matters" and these document(s) will NOT be used for “fraudulent purposes.”
Please return to the address below in prepaid envelope provided:
First Middle Last
#123 123 Ave.
City, Province
V3A 3V2
By: Authorized Representative: ___________________________________