Support Options for PMA Structure Solutions

February 21st, 2023 x 8-weeks

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Ready to build your Private Membership Association?

If you have completed Unravelling the Mystery of PMA's, you are ready to jump into our 8-Week PMA building workshop consisting of:

  1. Weekly live calls x 8 weeks with our team of consultants where you can ask all your questions from the previous week's homework assignments
  2. 195 pre-recorded video lessons structured across the 8-weeks that systematically walk you through the weekly assignments as YOU set up your Trust | Unincorporated Association | PMA structures. This deep education is pure GOLD!
  3. An Express Trust, an Unincorporated Association and PMA documentation that YOU will customize for YOUR OWN business needs. 
  4. Customizable Waiver Forms and Foreign Agent Notices for operating your new structure
  5. Conveyance of your documentation utilizing the United Postal Union for time / stamp evidence of your entities
  6. Education and team support on setting up your registered clients / FG EIN's / ABNs so that your "person" is protected in the sea of contracting 
  7. Mentoring on setting up your Unincorporated Bank Accounts

How will this program support my life?

  • Set up a Trust and Unincorporated Business Structure so that YOU can confidently operate YOUR business in the sea of commerce!
  • You will gain full-knowledge of your own documents and structure as YOU will be creating YOUR OWN structure with the support of a team alongside you!
  • Set up bank accounts that support unincorporated entities
  • Put measures in place with government-issued identity in order to be in control of third party contracts

Who is this Program for?

  • Business owners desiring to operate a PMA with confidence and knowledge
  • Every individual wishing to step into Self Governance and work through Private Business Associations as a means to expressing their Divine Gifts into their community and world at large
  • Those who are currently set up as a Private Membership Association but are unsure of what they have
  • Those who wish to move from a profit focus to a benevolent service focus within their community

Unraveling the Mystery of PMA's and UA's

PMA Structure Solutions Includes:

LIVE WORKSHOP SERIES February 21st - April 11th, 2023 4pm-5:30pm PST

  1. Weekly live calls x 8 weeks with our team of consultants where you can ask all your questions from the previous week's homework assignments
  2. 195 pre-recorded video lessons structured across the 8-weeks that systematically walk you through the weekly assignments as you set up your Trust | Unincorporated Association | PMA structures. This deep education is pure GOLD!
  3. An Express Trust, Unincorporated Association and PMA documentation that you will customize for your own business needs. 
  4. Customizable waiver forms and Foreign Agent notices for operating your new structure
  5. Conveyance of your documentation utilizing the United Postal Union for time / stamp evidence of your entities
  6. Education and team support on setting up your registered clients / FG EIN's / ABN so that your "person" is protected in the sea of contracting 
  7. Mentoring on setting up your unincorporated Bank Accounts

Required Donation: USD $2,500.00

All Rights Reserved. Participants are responsible for their own learning of this material. This information is not financial or legal advice.